Renee Hugger, AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) Blog Page

Have you ever felt like you lost yourself along the way, struggling to find your voice and inner strength after an emotionally abusive relationship? I know how exhausting it can feel to constantly give of yourself while feeling unheard, undervalued and walking on eggshells. As single moms, our lives are already filled with demands on our time and energy. Dealing with the lingering effects of emotional abuse can make it feel impossible to take back your power. But I’m here to tell you – you are so much stronger than you realize. There is a way forward to reclaiming the vibrant, confident woman you are at your core. In this post, I’ll share some tips and strategies that helped me overcome the self-doubts that were holding me back. My hope is that you find ways within these recommendations to start loving and prioritizing yourself again. You’ve got this – it’s time to take back your voice!

Find Support

Emotional abuse can often leave us feeling isolated and alone, like we have no one to turn to for support. This is why it’s important to reach out and seek help from trusted friends, family members, or even a therapist. Talking about your experiences with someone who understands emotional abuse and validates your feelings can be incredibly healing.

But don’t feel pressured to talk about everything at once. Talking about it can be re-traumatizing. Take it at your own pace and only share what you feel comfortable with. Remember, healing takes time and it’s important to be patient with yourself.

Additionally, finding a support group or community of other single moms who have gone through similar experiences can provide a sense of belonging and understanding. It can also be empowering to hear their stories and see how they have overcome their own struggles. Join my private Facebook group just for women who are determined to recover from emotional abuse and get financial stability.


Another important step in reclaiming your power after emotional abuse is setting boundaries. This means clearly communicating what you will and will not tolerate in your relationships. Remember, this is a growing process. Don’t expect perfection. Learning boundaries was something I felt super uncomfortable with.


It’s also crucial to practice self-care and prioritize yourself. This can include simple things. My favorites are taking a relaxing bath or going for a walk with my dog Leo. In addition, challenging yourself with a new healthier life or hobby can be a confidence booster. By taking care of your own needs and wants, you are showing yourself that you are worthy and deserving of love and attention. See how that works? It builds your self-esteem!

It’s important to remember that healing is not a linear process. You may have good days and bad days, but know that each step forward is progress. Be gentle with yourself and celebrate the small victories.

In addition to self-care, it’s also important to surround yourself with positivity and eliminate toxic influences from your life. This may mean cutting ties with people who do not support or uplift you, or limiting your exposure to negative media and social media content. It’s important to ask yourself, does this lift me up or bring me down?

One Last Thing…

Finally, be patient with yourself as you work towards reclaiming your voice and inner strength. It takes time to heal from emotional abuse, but with self-care, support and setting boundaries, you will begin to see the vibrant, confident woman you truly are shine through once again. Remember, you are strong and capable – never let anyone take that away from you. Keep fighting for yourself and know that you deserve happiness and love. So keep moving forward on your journey of healing and empowerment. We are better together!

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