Renee Hugger, AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) Blog Page

At some point in our lives, we all experience fear. Whether it’s a fear of being alone, specific phobias such as heights or the dark, or general nervousness towards certain situations especially if you have endured emotional abuse. A few other situations would be public speaking or flying, these fears can be paralyzing. One fear that I personally struggle with is the fear of fainting. Whenever I feel lightheaded or dizzy, my mind immediately jumps to the worst-case scenario. This fear can ultimately lead to anxious feelings, and a racing heart but thankfully, I’ve discovered a few helpful techniques that have helped me feel calm and centered. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing with you the tips & tools I use, so that you too can conquer your fears and experience a more peaceful state of mind. If you love essential oils, here is the essential oil I use when I am needing some courage and wanting a more peaceful state of mind and reduce nervousness.

What is Grounding?

First, let’s define what grounding means. Grounding is a technique that helps to bring your focus back to the present moment and alleviate nervous feelings or predicting the future of stressful situations. One of many grounding techniques is the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. This technique involves using your five senses to draw yourself back into the present moment. Start by identify five things you can see around you, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This technique is really helpful on days where I feel more nervous. If you love essential oil like I do, here is the one I use that is specifically for grounding.

Positive Affirmations

Another grounding technique that can be helpful is to use positive affirmations. Take a few moments to think of positive statements that resonate with you, such as “I am strong” or “I am capable.” Repeat these affirmations to yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed or nervous. This technique can be helpful in shifting your mindset to a more positive and empowered state.

Acknowledge our Feelings

Acknowledging our nervous feelings and practicing self-compassion is also an important part of grounding techniques. Often, we judge ourselves for feeling anxious or fearful by having negative self-talk, like “If I faint once, I’ll always faint in this situation”. However, it’s important to remember that these feelings are valid and natural. Instead of trying to push them away, try acknowledging them and offering yourself kind words such as “of course I feel anxious about fainting”.

Empower your Body

Finally, I want to talk about exercise. Exercise is an excellent way to release stress and anxious feelings from the body. Whether it’s a quick walk around your neighborhood and noticing something new or a more intense workout. Getting your body moving can help you and improve your mood. The 11 Day Jumpstart is an amazing program for emotional, mental, & physical health. Personally, I love doing yoga when I have anxious feelings. The combination of mindful breathing and movement helps brings me back into the moment and releases any tension in my body.

One Last Thing…

Fear doesn’t have to be a natural part of life and it doesn’t have to hold us back. If you have experienced emotional abuse and you think this may be one of the many long-term side effects, just know you can recover. Join me in my private facebook group to illuminate your healing journey. By using grounding techniques such as the 5-4-3-2-1 technique, positive affirmations, and exercise, we can conquer our fears and feel more calm and centered. Remember that it’s okay to feel afraid and to take small steps towards facing your fears. With practice and patience, you can learn to embrace your fears and live a more peaceful life.


Here is a video I created talking about how to eliminate anxious feelings.

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