Renee Hugger, AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) Blog Page

There I was riding in the truck with my husband, tired of being jumpy in the vehicle. I told him, I was tired of the lasting effects of what I had endured previously in my life. That being emotional abuse. I was on constant alert in the vehicle, like I was driving. If a car was passing us on the right side (my side) I would feel nervous inside. There were so many different situations where I was such an anxious passenger and I was tired of feeling those nervous feelings every time we got in in the truck together. I didn’t want to be disrespectful, but I didn’t want to get in an accident either. What if I didn’t speak up and we got into an accident! I would feel so responsible. There were so many mixed emotions. In addition, I have been in a few accidents as a passenger.

Living with the Shadows of Emotional Abuse

That day I made a decision to start some type of therapy on an ongoing basis so I could heal the pain from my past. I had already been to several therapists in the area and thought I would try a different type of therapy. I went for approximately 6 months. I noticed a few changes but again was at a crossroads to discontinue going. There were also times where I felt shakey inside only to later find out that I was re-traumatized. I have heard over and over again, if you have endured emotional abuse, to seek out a trauma informed therapist.

Long-Term Side Effects

There were so many symptoms and side effects I had experienced from my past that I wanted to finally be free of that come with enduring emotional abuse. I wanted to be done with the anxious feelings from being on edge in the truck, the PTSD, trusting my partner’s ability to drive and my inability to manage and deal with my feelings in a healthy way. I needed to do something with them and not just ignore them because they kept coming back up. I read so many books on how to go through the pain and I would cry endlessly and in the end my emotions were all still there. I have so many self-help books that just didn’t make the mark.

Forging Ahead

I have experienced so many benefits from this self-healing program. The first being that I can get on camera without feeling judged or embarrassed about experiencing emotional abuse. More importantly, I can sit calm, without feeling jumpy in the passenger seat while my husband drives. As a result, we have more enjoyable car rides together. As a hockey mom, this is really important to me because we drive on a lot of snow-covered roads together to attend games. In the event that I have a feeling come up, I can do the self-healing process right there in the car.

Benefits I have experienced

Other benefits I have experienced is a deeper self-love. I am able to wake up in the morning feeling calm and relaxed instead of trying to convince myself that everything is going to be ok. Not to mention, I am not experiencing the inner emotional chaos I used to deal with. In addition, I have natural boundaries where I don’t think about what I should say they just happen naturally (most of the time). Another great benefit from the self-healing program is I am able to speak up for myself without feeling like someone is judging me. Equally important, I have so much more confidence everywhere I go. I am not wondering if people are judging me anymore (which leads to a deeper insecurity). One of the best parts is that I am not offended by how other’s react when I set boundaries. As a matter of fact, I no longer feel responsible for their feelings. I am here to take care of myself first so in return, I can take care of my family and the world around me. I am still the same person I used to be, I now have the ability to speak up for myself in a loving kind way.

One Last thing…

I want you to know that if you are jumpy, in a constant state of high alert, or have experienced one of the many long-term side effects from enduring emotional abuse, you can heal from the pain of the past. You don’t need to be on this journey alone. I am so excited to share the Healing Hearts Program with so many people. I do want you to know this program is not for everyone. This proven process is so powerful, it can help you heal and recover from the past pain of emotional abuse. Get in touch if you would like more information. The best way to connect with me is through my private Facebook group.


Check out the YouTube video to learn about how I found this self-healing program!

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