Renee Hugger, AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) Blog Page

We all have those days when the weight of emotions feels a bit heavier. As a matter of fact, I am experiencing this right now. My heart feels heavy and sometimes it feels like a huge task to push my business where I want it to go. Sometimes it even feels overwhelming with all the moving parts. We all feel overwhelmed and like the task ahead seems too big. I know I felt this way after leaving an emotionally abusive relationship. The best thing I did for myself was to rest and take the time I needed to regroup. As a matter of fact, I laid on the couch, with my pink, weighted blanket (link on my favorites page) and rested for 20 minutes. In addition, I didn’t think of anything. I am now really good at stopping all thoughts and just resting. If you’ve had a sad day, here are some additional things I did to lift my spirits. Keep in mind, feelings and emotions don’t last forever, just like laughing. I’m here to help you rediscover joy and bring a smile back to your face. Be mindful of the thoughts in your mind as you go about your day. This can be so powerful to lift or lower your spirits.

1. Listen to Joel Olsteen

I really enjoy listening to Joel Olsteen on SiriusXM. He has such uplifting messages about faith & God. I am always in spired after listening to him. In addition, I found my healing journey was credited to my faith in God. let the music soothe your soul.

2. Engage in Physical Activity

I also got on my elliptical and exercised for 20 minutes to get my heart rate up. Exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood enhancers. Take a walk, go for a run, or practice yoga – whatever form of movement brings you joy. Physical activity not only boosts your mood but also contributes to overall well-being. Join the 11 Day Jumpstart to nourish your soul for emotional healing.

3. Connect with Nature

I got outside and went for a walk with my dog, Leo. It’s winter here right now, so we don’t’ have much sunshine during the winter months which can make it more difficult. The sunshine just has an uplifting feeling. Spending time outdoors can have a rejuvenating effect. Take a stroll in a nearby park, sit by the beach, or simply enjoy the beauty of your surroundings. Nature has a way of calming the mind and uplifting the spirit.

4. Express Gratitude

When I’m feeling down, thinking of all the things I am grateful for today is really helpful for me. Shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life by expressing gratitude. Write down three things you’re thankful for. Some things I am thankful for when looking back on life is that I was brave enough to leave a toxic relationship, I have my dog, Leo pet and snuggle with, and a kind, caring husband who supports me in my journey to help women heal from emotional abuse. Gratitude is incredibly transformative and shifted my perspective.

5. Be mindful of the thoughts in your head

Positive affirmations or statements can be very helpful and useful. Set a timer to remind yourself to think of positive thoughts even if there is so much negative around you. Here are a few example: Here are some words that I think may help you in your healing journey:

  1. Today is the beginning of making myself important.
  2. My past does not define my future; I have the power to create positive change.
  3. I am on a beautiful journey to become the best version of myself.
  4. My happiness starts with me first.
  5. I am grateful for the inner strength that has gotten me this far in life.
  6. I am full of light, love and good vibrations.
  7. I deserve to be healthy, happy & successful.
  8. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth and learning.
  9. Growth is sometimes uncomfortable, yet I have the strength to do it.
  10. When you are shaken to your core, it’s time for a shift into something better. It’s a setup for something better in life.
6. The Power of Scent

I love essential oils and one my my favorites for lifting my spirits is called “Inner Child”. It promotes an atmosphere of support, nurturing and security. I love the uplifting smell. If you have endured emotional or narcissistic abuse or trauma in your life, I know first hand how the power of scent can create emotional changes. Did you know that people who have lost their sense of smell are very sad? Think about a smell that makes you feel really happy. How do you feel inside? For me, I was thinking of pie and it made me feel uplifted. This same thing happens with essential oils. It’s pretty cool how some essential oils can help us in our healing journey from emotional abuse. Learn more about the oils I use in the private facebook group.

7. The WavWatch

My go to is always the Wavwatch (or essential oils) because I wear it on a daily basis. I love it because it has so many settings for feelings. When I’m feeling down, here are some of the settings I use: “Love”, Depression, Discouraged and so many more. Learn more about how it can lift your spirits on a sad day. I loved the 30 day money back guarantee, to make sure it worked for me.

One last thing..

Now, I know exactly how to care for myself to uplift my spirits. It really helps decrease anxious feelings and helps me feel grounded to make good decisions. After taking the time to care for myself, and apply all the things I did, I certainly felt better and even uplifted and inspired to continue my journey in helping women heal from emotional abuse. Sad days are a natural part of the human experience, but they don’t define your entire journey. By incorporating some simple and enjoyable activities into your routine, you’re taking proactive steps to lift your spirits. If you have experienced emotional abuse and are looking for strategies to relieve the side effects, join my private Facebook group. Remember, it’s okay to embrace moments of sadness long with joy and prioritize your well-being.

Check out the Youtube video I created that talks about how our brain works and why after experiencing emotional abuse we feel a deeper sadness after we have lived through depression.

If you share my passion for emotional well-being, pain relief, or tackling common seasonal symptoms, this watch is a must-see.😊

Learn more about the WAVwatch and it’s 1,000+ settings👉 Use the coupon code RENEE100 for $100 off💥 Excited for you!💜

WavWatch can help save money on common symptoms we experience

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Here’s your opportunity to take the financial  assessment so you can make a plan for financial indepencence in a logical way. It’s easy for you to get started & focus on the areas that need extra attention😊

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