Renee Hugger, AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) Blog Page

Emotional abuse also known as narcissistic abuse is often a silent killer of a relationship. If you have left an emotionally abusive relationship, it is important for you to understand and heal from narcissistic abuse. The most important thing to realize is that it can start so subtly that it’s hard to recognize. Over time, the emotional abuser chips away at your confidence, your self-worth, and your sense of reality. Emotional abuse can happen to anyone, but heart-centered, sweet moms who will put others needs before their own are particularly vulnerable. If you are wanting to date again, recovery is so important to finding a healthy relationship. That is why it is vital to recognize the signs of emotional abuse and take steps to protect yourself and your children.

Warning Sign #1

The first warning sign of emotional abuse is gaslighting. Gaslighting is a mind game that makes you doubt your own reality. Your ex may have made you feel like you were losing your mind by denying things he had said or done and convincing you that it never happened. Gaslighting can be subtle, but it is a powerful tool that can make you feel confused, anxious, and isolated. You may have tried to stay in the relationship because you thought maybe you were “crazy”.

Warning Sign #2

The second warning sign is the silent treatment. This is when someone close to you acts as though you don’t exist. The silent treatment as a way to punish you for not complying with their demands. They may refuse to talk to you, withhold affection, or give you the dreaded silent treatment for days, weeks, or even months. The silent treatment can make you feel like you are walking on eggshells and can cause significant emotional distress. This type of stress to your body causes inflammation. To reduce inflammation in your body, learn about the 11 Day Jumpstart.

Warning Sign #3

The third warning sign is the fear of setting boundaries. If you’re ex had a strong need to control you and he quite possibly went through great lengths to maintain it. If you’re like me, when he became upset with me it made my stomach hurt. As a result, women who have experience emotional abuse may become fearful of setting boundaries or expressing their needs, for fear of retaliation. It then leads into other personal and professional relationships. That’s why you may have a hard time speaking up.

Warning Sign #4

The fourth warning sign is isolation. One more way to control your every move, from who your friends are to who you talk to. They may try to limit your access to friends and family members by saying things like “I don’t understand why you like hanging out with her” or ” they are crazy”. Controlling behavior can feel suffocating, and it can make you feel powerless. You think they have your best interest in mind, but they don’t.

Warning Sign #5

The fifth warning sign is manipulation. This is one of the most frustrating traits of someone you once loved. It can certainly leave deep emotional scars. They may use guilt-tripping, love bombing, or playing the victim to get what they want. They may make you feel responsible for their happiness or try to convince you that their bad behavior is your fault. Manipulation can be a subtle yet powerful tool and can make you feel responsible for their actions.

One Last Thing…

Emotional/narcissistic abuse is complex and is the most invisible form of abuse. It can leave deep scars that last long after the relationship has ended. If you recognize any of these warning signs in a past relationship, it’s important to seek help to get the healing you need to relieve past trauma. Once you heal these deep emotional scars, it can lead you to a renewed sense of self-worth and a fulfilling life. I created a guide so you can learn more about understanding and healing from narcissistic abuse. You can connect with me by joining my private Facebook group to get the support you need to heal in a natural way. Always remember, emotional abuse is never your fault, and you deserve to be treated with love, respect, and dignity.


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