Hello, my name is Renee. I am a Financial Coach, Counselor & Educator. I’m passionate about helping single women, stay-at-home moms, and professional women manage their finances successfully. As a matter of fact, I have experience as a single mom, stay-at-home mom, and professional.

How Smart Saving and spending was created:

When I became a single mom, I knew I had to figure out how to manage my finances. I was tired of living paycheck to paycheck worrying about how I was going to pay the bills each month. Not to mention, the stress of running out of money before my next paycheck. I had no one else to rely on but myself. Little did I know a few years later I was going to be the breadwinner of my family after my children’s father died. I had so many questions about personal finances and had nobody to turn to with the expertise I was looking for.


When I became a single mom, I knew I wasn’t the only single mom out there that was living paycheck to paycheck. But, I felt so alone. I didn’t know any single moms who I could turn to for genuine guidance to point me in the right direction. I was a professional woman that was supposed to look like she “had it all together”! I didn’t want anyone to know I was struggling, that would be so embarrassing! But I wanted and desperately needed the help. I needed a plan on how to figure out how to stop living paycheck to paycheck.

Smart Saving and Spending was created while being an at-home mom in my second marriage. I was excited to start working again. However, I wanted to help people with their personal finances but this position does not exist in Hibbing, MN.  So, I decided to create it myself. I don’t want you to go it alone as I did. With no support, direction, or plan. My goal is to support, guide, and cheer you on every successful step of the way. Each step is worth celebrating because it is HARD work.

I knew I could help ambitious people like myself who are determined to stop living paycheck to paycheck. I worked as a Personal Banker at a local community bank for 7 years processing mortgages, personal loans, credit cards, IRA’s, overdrafts, judgments, collections, overdraft fees, and checking accounts. To further my education, I joined the AFCPE and passed a 3 hour, timed test to be an AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) Candidate. Once I obtain 1000 hours of experience, I will be certified as an AFC. I am excited to pass on the knowledge I have learned in my personal and professional life. So, I created financial coaching packages that guide you through goal setting and creating a plan to make your goals a reality. Coaching packages that will relieve the unhealthy stress of living paycheck to paycheck. Essentially, I built a business to inspire, educate and transform lives.

Sharing your difficulties about money can be tough and embarrassing, but the relief of setting goals and creating a plan that I guide you through is setting you up for financial confidence & success.  The genuine thankfulness from the clients I have served has been humbling and motivated me to help more people. Not only are they relieved to have a plan in place, each small step that is successful motivates them to the next small step, and ultimately reaching their goals.

My mission is to help motivated single women evolve from a stressful financial life to a confident, peaceful, and rewarding financial life by empowering them through education. These important life skills will benefit them by making great financial decisions to execute and thrive in a financially rewarding life. I will help them to get out of debt, avoid financial mistakes, and learn effective budgeting techniques to manage their money with success and confidence.

I am a member of the AFCPE (Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education), a financial organization formed to ensure the highest level of education for financial professionals. This means you know you are getting up-to-date financial information from me that will benefit you!

As a Finance Coach, Counselor and Educator, I am excited to help you understand any and all aspects of money. I want you to be successful with handling your money. If you are excited to start living your life in financial peace let’s come up with a plan that will work for you so you can successfully manage your money. I have your back and I will guide you through the process so you can reach your financial goals. I will provide you with the support, encouragement, and accountability but you have to do the hard part of implementing the process and making it work. No worries, I promise I will be here to support you during the tough times. I love talking about money and I am excited to give you information so you can make great financial decisions. I can’t wait to help you and coach you toward financial success for life!

I am passionate about helping you successfully manage your personal finances for life.

I know you can do it!

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