You can think of a credit card as a small loan, that is interest free for approximately 30 days. I say approximately, because it depends on when you make the purchase on your credit card and when your statement is produced. For example, if you make a purchase on your credit card on September 15th, and your credit card statement is produced or printed on September 19th, you will have approximately 2 weeks to pay off that purchase before interest starts adding up. Interest will be added after your payment due date.
So you just received your first credit card in the mail. You want to make in-store and online purchases responsibly. At the same time you want to build credit.
I’ll explain to you how it works.
Here is an article on how to “Establish Good Credit”, for more info click here.
Making credit card purchases is easy, maybe too easy! Ultimately, this is where you have to work really hard to only buy the things you need. Consequently, this is where people can get into some serious trouble. Therefore, I am so excited to help you understand how a credit card works to prevent you from accumulating credit card debt. I want you to be informed and understand how it works so you can be confident and not worried about making purchases.
First, the most important thing I can say is stay away from making purchases you can’t afford. This will totally increase your stress level and make you feel worried. Second, you will be paying more for your the items you purchased because of the interest added if you cannot pay your credit card in full.
To illustrate this, when I was in my 20’s, we would be buying clothes, eating out and staying in hotels that we could not afford because we could put it on our credit card. Sometimes, we didn’t even know how much the other person was spending! We just knew that when we wanted something we bought it.
Then came the credit card bill came in the mail. Consequently, my body felt shocked every time I opened the envelope. Another month came and went and we could not pay off the previous balance that we intended to pay off. As a result, we just added more debt to our credit card balance. It was a vicious cycle! For this reason we carried more debt, and ultimately the worry of how we were going to pay off the balance. Truthfully, the only thing that calmed my nerves was the paying the minimum monthly balance.
Unfortunately, we didn’t have money in savings and had to carry a balance on our credit card. Consequently, we were paying more for our purchases by having to pay interest on the balance we could not pay off. As a result, it would make me sick to my stomach wondering how we were going to pay off the balance and I would have a hard time sleeping at night.
I care about how you use your credit card and want to strongly suggest making small purchases so that when your credit card bill comes in the mail, you can pay it in full. Here are some things I recommend.
If you want to build credit, you will need to use your credit card to make purchases. Consequently, if you do not use your credit card, it will not build or establish credit for you. You can make a purchase for $1.00 during the month. It doesn’t matter how small the purchase is. The most important thing I can stress to you is that you are making purchases and paying them off. Similarly, it shows up on your credit report that you can make purchases and pay them off each month.
My favorite card is the Citi double cash back credit card. I like it because:
Each month you will get your credit card statement either in the mail or an email notification that your statement is ready. Please be careful with this. If you don’t check your email regularly, this is an easy way to miss making your payment. When you get your statement, you will want to open it and review all the details and transactions. Pay special attention to the items below:
If your credit card information is stolen, please realize you are not responsible for those purchases. My credit card number was recently stolen. Here is how I handled it.
In summary, building credit and maintaining credit is really important. I recommend doing this as soon as you turn 18. Similarly, it is very important to make all your payments on time to get a good credit score. For more information on how to repair your credit yourself, click here.
I hope you take the adventure to be independent from your money controlling you. Ultimately, you will have the freedom in your life to make big life changes and it is so rewarding and exciting!
Therefore, pay off your credit card each month. Likewise, create a budget that will work for you and stick with it! Want more info on how to create a budget for beginners? Just click on the link.
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I hope you found this information helpful!
Any recommendations I make should be taken into consideration with your values and goals. You should make the best decision that aligns with your family’s values.
As a Financial Coach, my mission is to help families save more, spend less so they can buy and do the things most important to them and spend their time and energy focusing on their kids.
Spending quality time with your kids is more important than stressing about finances. Instead of going to friends and family and sharing your financial struggles, reach out to me. I love talking about money, values, assessments and strategies to make positive changes to your financial habits to live a life you love.
I understand because I’ve been through some really challenging financial situations. Learn more about me.
I’m a kind, heart-centered coach who is excited to help you! If you’re struggling with your finances, get the results you want – I promise to keep you accountable and help you manage your finances successfully . I have a 100% guaranteed or your money back for the 1st session!
Finally, I wish you success in your financial journey😊
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